Communication Arts

This year in sixth grade we are shifting our attention to novel based instruction. Each marking period we will read one novel and learn reading/writing strategies through that novel. Some strategies include comprehension strategies, text dependent analysis, and vocabulary building. We will continue to use the Treasures Anthology to supplement our novel and to work on grammar and spelling skills.

At the end of every six weeks unit, there will be a unit test covering comprehension, grammar, spelling and writing skills.  These assessments check to see if students need extra support in any of these areas.  Please encourage your child to look over the skills in their Unit Packets, so they are prepared for the unit tests.

There will be six spelling tests given for each marking period. Spelling Contracts will be distributed on Mondays and completed by test day, which will be on Fridays. Check Homework page for weeks we may not have spelling.

During each marking period, your child will receive writing workshop prompts.  The prompts will range from research based, factual writing to creative narratives.  The assignments will go through the majority of the writing process in school, but completion of a rough draft or final/publishable copy may be assigned for homework.

Writing Process:

Brainstorming – Coming up with the topic and related ideas
Drafting – writing 1st draft
Revising – making sure focus is clear and paper is detailed
Editing/Proofreading – check grammar and spelling
Publication – writing final copy

The assignments will be graded on each of the following points: focus, content, organization, style, and conventions.  Each will be equally weighted.